from " notes of oral instructions on kenjutsu of hokushin itto ryu ." -- 『北辰一刀流組遣様口伝書』
in historical materials , it is recorded that government officials were given specific instruction by letters , in case that oral instructions were not given . このような、直接口頭での指示が行われない事態の場合には、書状を用いて、それぞれの官司に細かく指示を出していたことが史料に残っている。
a book entitled " notes of oral instructions on ' kenjutsu ' (japanese art of swordsmanship ) of ' hokushin itto ryu ' (a school of ' kobudo ' [japanese classical martial arts ]) " was written by shusaku chiba (the school ' s founder ). 千葉周作に『北辰一刀流組遣様口伝書』がある。
kikugoro the fifth was good at the role of a fireman such as umekichi in " mekuranagaya umega kagatobi " known as " kagatobi " (the firefighters of the kaga clan ) or sashichi in " edosodachi omatsuri sashichi " (the festival and sashichi , a son of edo ) known as " omatsuri sashichi; " he left oral instructions of various ways of acting . 五代目菊五郎は『盲長屋梅加賀鳶』(加賀鳶)の梅吉や『江戸育御祭左七』(お祭り左七)の左七など町火消役を得意としたが、さまざまな演じ方の口伝を残している。